Warm up the womb for conception naturally
According to Dr. Godwin Ihesie, a natural health practitioner, the uterus is a hollow and muscular pear shaped reproductive organ that lies between the bladder and the rectum. It is divided into two parts:
The cervix and the body of the uterus. The cervix is the neck of the womb or the lower part of the uterus which protrudes into the vagina.
The cervix contains glands that secrete mucus which help in transportation of the male sperm from the vagina into the uterus.
The cervix dilates during labour to allow the passage of the infant during childbirth.
In a non pregnant woman, the body of the uterus is about the size and shape of a pear. It has an amazing elastic ability stretching about 9 cm in length at conception to about 50 cm in a full term pregnancy. After childbirth it can return to its original size within a few days.
It also holds, protects and nourishes the fetus during development and “expels” the infant when development is complete. Most of the problems affecting the womb (uterus) stem from multifarious reasons.
Miscarriages, stillbirth, premature birth, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, irregular and painful menstruation and infertility amongst many other reproductive health problems are preventable, for they stem from health conditions that can be managed by health remedies.
The root of some of the problems include weak and insufficient activity of the liver; nutritional deficiencies, for example calcium, unexpressed and retained negative emotion, constitutional weakness and genetic predisposition of the body and unwholesome lifestyle and distortions.
Fortunately, there are many herbs which help to normalize most of the female reproductive problems. They are grouped under the following headings:
Those that cleanse the blood (alternatives) and the lymph; for example Stinging Nettle, Marigold, Cleaves. Liver tonic like Dandelion, Phyllanthus, Milk Thistle and Bitters. All these remove congestion in the liver and enhance its detoxification activities.
There are those that normalize the female hormones and regulate the cycle, such as mistletoe and chasteberry. In the same vein are the Emmenagogues, which are sensitive plants that correct menstrual irregularity. Some of them are Yarrow, Parsley, Ginger, Thyme and Yarrow/Ladies Mantle.
There are those that are called Uterine Astringents or herbs that reduce excessive menstrual flow e.g. Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow, Ladies Mantle. The ones that prevent infections are known as uterine antiseptics e.g. Garlic, Goldenseal and Yarrow.
Nerves and antispasmodics for example Mother’s Wort and Dramamine are also good. Generally, one can prepare a woman’s womb by application of tonic herb. Tonic is a substance that balances the biochemical and physiological event that comprise the body system. Most herbal tonics exhibit bi-directional activities, that is, they are capable of both increasing and decreasing the activity of body process, thus maintaining a balance. Some may also exhibit multidirectional activities.
Uterine tonics are those herbs that specifically tone, strengthen and nourish the uterus. They are good for women of all ages. The functions of uterine herbs include revitalizing the entire reproductive organs by making it healthy and fruitful. They restore the tone of weak organs. They establish and balance normal hormonal functions, that is, they regulate the cycle; they are usually combined with liver tonic e.g. Dandelion.
They balance the sexual desire and relax the nervous system. These include Iyere, Eru, Phyllanthus nuriri, Nettle, Raspberry, Chasteberry, Black Cohosh, Licorice, Red Clover, Mother’s Wort, False Unicorn Root and Squaw Vine. (Most of these herbs – in capsule form, are imported by DUMEX Nig Limited) See: www.naturalhealthshops.blogspot.com
False Unicorn is not readily available in Nigeria as it is very expensive to import. However, there are substitutes or alternatives to it.
The uterine tonic before pregnancy are
Culled from ‘The Comet’ newspaper, October 23, 2003
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