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Sunday, December 30, 2007



Clinical experiences have shown that men with low sperm count (i.e. a sperm count that is below 20 million) respond so well to simple natural remedies (including wholesome dietary and lifestyle changes) better than most of the “Hitech” chemotherapies available today in the market.

Supplementary therapy using supplements like zinc, selenium, vitamin C, E, B-complex, L-arginine, co-enzyme Q10, etc, may sometimes be necessary, particularly, where bacterial and other microbial infections have been implicated or where nutritional deficiencies are strongly suspected. It is, however important to mention here, that the body requires a minimum of 72 – 90 days to produce healthy sperm or to normalize a depressed sperm production. Hereunder, are some of the simple and useful remedies that have been found to be quite effective in some cases of oligospermia (low sperm count).

A normal sperm count (i.e fertility) is often a reflection of a man’s general health. Fathering a healthy child means that the man’s sperm must also be healthy.

- the semen must be present in sufficient volume and must not clump together.
- The sperm density (i.e the number) must be adequate and they must be relatively normal in size, shape and must be actively motile in order to overcome the laborious task of reaching the fallopian tubes and the fertilizable egg.
- Above all the sperm cells must not be inhibited by sperm antibodies that may be present in the woman. Male infertility results when, the man’s testicles:
- Lacks the power to produce sperm e.g. azoospermia or
- When the production of sperm is grossly inadequate or
- When they lack the swimming power and lazy to overcome the woman’s cervical mucus or reaching their final destination or when the majority of the sperms have abnormal shape.

A man is also considered to be infertile when despite normal sperm analysis, he has the problem of delivering the sperm into the vagina e.g in cases of impotence, premature ejaculation, especially when ejaculation comes quickly prior to inserting the penis fully into the vagina or when the semen is ejaculated into the urinary bladder rather than through the tube where the semen normally travels. Furthermore, the sperm analysis could be normal, but the correct timing of the woman’s ovulation may be missed.

Apart from those caused by male infertility, which are non-physical or what are technically referred to as “unexplained factors,” several medical causes of male infertility have been identified and these include:
i. Infections/diseases/drugs: Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, Chlamydia or syphilis when poorly treated can damage or block the spermatic ducts especially when they result in chronic active prostatitis (inflammation of the prostrate gland) tuberculosis infection can also cause scarring and blockage to the spermatic ducts and these often result in azoospermia if there is complete blockage or low sperm count if the spermatic duct is partially blocked or damaged.
The infections can further cause the testicles to shrink in size (atrophy).

Other types of infection that can affect sperm production are: urinary tract infection, mumps in adulthood, typhoid, small pox, etc.

Sometimes systemic diseases, severe illness, fever, spinal cord injury, genital injury, undescended testicles, twisting of the testes inside the scrotum, impotence, kidney failures, etc are some of the diseases that can affect sperm production and fertility.

Drugs, e.g those used in the treatment of hypertension, cancers and depression. Also, those used in muscle building (anabolic drugs) may not only cause infertility, but are equally known to cause the testicles, twisting, to shrink. There are numerous drugs that have been listed in some medical books that can interfere with sperm production. E.g. cocaine and marijuana abuse. It a well known fact that
-excessive indulgence in alcohol results in a transient erectile dysfunction and reduces the activity of the male sex hormone (testosterone) and may therefore lead to low sperm count.
-cigarette smoking not only depresses sperm production, but drastically reduces the ability of the sperm to swim actively and gives rise to abnormal forms.
-alcoholism equally leads to malnutrition which is a factor for male infertility.

ii. Constant exposure to environmental toxins: the testicles can be damaged by toxic chemicals, heavy metals, radiations, insecticides, etc.

iii. Excessive heat on the scrotum: all the factors that produces heat in the testicles, or those that cause a rise in temperature in the scrotal area or overheating the testicles can dramatically reduce or even stop the production of sperm. A varicose vein is the vein that allows blood to pool in the scrotum. But when the veins dilate and bulge or swell blood pools around the testicles and produce heat that may interfere with sperm production, resulting in the destruction of the sperm and such condition is known as Variococele. Studies have shown that 40% cases of male infertility is the result of variococele. The condition is often described as a feeling like “Bag of worms” in the scrotum, especially when the condition is prominent.

Other conditions that “cook” or “over heat” the testicles include: excessive hot baths, saunas, sitting and driving, over heated cars, long distance driving, wearing close fitting or tight underpants, etc.

iv. Hormonal disturbances: Testosterone becomes very low in the blood. Being the male hormone that matures the testicles under the influence of the brain and the pituitary, a deficiency affects the production and maturing of sperm. The testicles may also fail to function due to hormonal imbalance.

Sometimes some do experience high blood level of prolactin and this often leads to inadequate sperm production and also impotence.
v. Chronic stress is known to affect all aspects of human health; the immune system, the endocrine glands and sperm production.
vi. Other factors that have been associated with low sperm count in men are:
-excessive body weight or sudden and drastic weight loss.
-frequent recurrent fever
-strenous exercise
-nutritional deficiencies e.g when Vitamin C is low in the body, the semen clumps and gives rise to poor sperm motility, low zinc diet is also a factor.-men whose mothers were exposed to the drug called des (die thylstiberstrol) when they were pregnant have been found to develop sperm producing defects.

Here, from experts, are 11 easy ways to double your sperm count in just 10 weeks:

1. AVOID HEAT NEAR GENITALS.—Studies have found that raising temperatures by even one degree can inhibit sperm production. Don’t take hot baths and avoid saunas. If you visit the beach, take regular breaks from sunbathing to cool off in the sea.

2. AVOID ALCOHOL. — Booze "can have a toxic effect on the testicles,” according to Dr. Geeta Nargund, Medical Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine in London.

3. WEAR LOOSE CLOTHING. — Put on boxer shorts instead of briefs.

4. GET PLENTY OF VITAMINS E & C. — Men who are vitamin E deficient tend to have malformed sperms; and vitamin C has been shown to boost sperm formation.

5. INCREASE INTAKE OF ZINC.—Zinc plays a direct roll in the growth of new sperm. Fertility experts recommend eating plenty of zinc-rich food such as seeds and nuts.

6. TAKE SELENIUM.—When given as a supplement, this mineral has been shown to double sperm production in low-count men. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium.

7. CONSUME ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS.—Found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, EFAs dramatically increase sperm quantity and quality.

8. DRINK FILTERED OR BOTTLED WATER ONLY.—Tap water contains high quantities of chemicals that mimic the female hormone estrogen, which reduces male fertility.

9. TAKE BREAKS FROM SITTING.—Driving solidly for three hours a day or more has a detrimental effect on sperm counts – as does sitting at an office desk for long periods.

10. EAT NATURAL FOODS.—Pesticides can cut sperm counts, so eat organic vegetables.

11. RELAX.—Don’t put pressure on yourself. Studies have found that stress has a direct immediate effect on sperm count. So just relax and do what comes naturally. ---Weekly World News, July 24, 2001

(Some points above have been re-emphasised)
15th October 2007
Tyler Williams
1. Drink lots of water. 70% of the body is made of water. Drinking at least a gallon of water a day will insure your body has enough fluids to produce more semen volume. Also you’ll have more overall energy. A study has shown that maintaining hydration and drinking lots of water will increase overall energy naturally by 25%. This method is affordable, but be ready to expect many more frequent trips to the bathroom.

2. Take L-arginine.L-arginine is an amino acid that is considered one of the most important nutrients to men. L-arginine is involved with the production of sperm. Take at least 200mg daily to achieve harder erections and increasing sperm volume. You can buy l-arginine pills, but you have to take around 4-5 pills at once to get a small amount of l-arginine in your body.

3. Take Bee pollen.Bee pollen has been said to be beneficial to not only bees, but to men as well. The ingredient is highly rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. You will get more frequent erections and more sperm volume. The best are in live, liquid form.The effectiveness of this ingredient is still disputed today, because many scientists claim that although the ingredient might be effective to bees, it will not be effective to humans in such small amounts. There is another product called Royal Jelly, which is the “sole diet of queen bees”. This ingredient is more effective than Bee pollen and is great for the male body.

4. Lift weights.Have you realized that after lifting weights, you feel much more live and angry? This is due to the increase in testosterone weight-lifting exercises induce. Increased testosterone increases sperm production and helps you get better erections.Exercising also gives you more confidence, strength and the stamina to make better love in bed.

5. Take a multi vitamin. A multi-vitamin is extremely beneficial to both male and female. Some daily ingredients you should take are Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B12. These vitamins and minerals can be found in many multi-vitamin supplements in many stores.Men should take multi-vitamin supplements designed for men. These include extra ingredients such as Saw palmetto (a berry that is beneficial to men) and Maca. These extra ingredients give that extra boost to the male body, and in the production of sperm volume. These multi-vitamin supplements also cost some money.

6. Drink less alcohol (if you drink often)Drinking less alcohol helps increase sperm volume, because overdrinking causes liver exhaustion and can decrease testosterone. Alcohol has been known to decrease testosterone temporarily.[It is actually better to avoid alcohol completely]

7. Sleep more. Sleeping increases testosterone at a much higher rate than working out. This is also the reason why men get erections when they wake up in the morning. You will increase your sperm volume effectively by sleeping at least 8 hours per day.This testosterone increasing effect only works with REM sleep (real, long sleep). Naps do not count.

8. Take a sperm volume supplement.This is by far the most effective method to increasing sperm volume, because there are certain supplements that were solely created to increase ejaculation volume. While there are many fake products that don’t work, some of the better ones include ingredients that are very beneficial to the human body, such as L-arginine. If you are looking to increase sperm volume, this is the easiest and fastest way to go.